Communications Workers of America, Local 2201 was formed in the mid-forties and chartered in 1950. Today we represent members at American Airlines, American Red Cross, AT&T Legacy, AT&T Mobility, Avaya, Benj. Franklin Printing Company, National Coalition Public Safety Officers, Thryv, Inc., Verizon. The following are the past Presidents of our Local: Owen Field, Halvor Jacobson, Stanley Sheppard, George Barker, Bill Evitt, Roger Wood, Richard Verlander, Tommy Moss Jr, Roy Shumaker, Chris Lane, Richard Hatch, Chris Brown. Our current President is Charles "Bubba" Craddock.
We are proud that our National Union has recognized our Local for it's leadership abilities. Bill Evitt, Richard Verlander and Richard Hatch were hired to be CWA Staff representatives.
CWA's International headquarters is in Washington, D.C. at 501 3rd Street, N.W., 20001 and their phone number is 202-434-1100.
CWA is affiliated with the AFL-CIO, The Canadian Labor Congress, (CLC), and the worldwide Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International, (PTTI).
CWA, the largest telecommunications union in the world, represents 700,000 workers in the private and public sectors with employment in the United States and Canada. More than 1,200 charter CWA local unions are affiliated. Members live and work in some 10,000 communities.
CWA members are employed in telecommunications, printing and news media, public service, health care, cable television, general manufacturing, electronics, law enforcement, higher education and other fields.
CWA holds over 1,000 collective bargaining agreements spelling out wages, benefits and working conditions for its members. Among major employers of CWA members are Lucent, AT&T, the Bell regional phone companies, GTE, NBC and ABC television networks, the state of New Jersey and leading newspapers.
The CWA National Executive Officers are President Claude Cummings, Jr. and Secretary-Treasurer Ameenah Salaam. President Emeritus is Morty Bahr. Morty served 20 years as CWA National President. Other members of CWA'S 15 member Executive Board, which governs the union between conventions, are the Vice Presidents from 12 different districts. Our Local is in District 2-13 and the Vice President of our District is Mike Davis.
CWA was founded at meetings in Chicago and New Orleans in 1938. First Known as the National Federation of Telephone Workers, the union became the Communications Workers of America in 1947. CWA joined the Congress of Industrial Organization, (CIO) in 1949 and has been an AFL-CIO affiliate ever since the 1955 merger of the CIO with the American Federation of Labor, (AFL) in 1955.
CWA has broadened its membership base steadily from the telephone industry into other aspects of communications, general industry and the public sector. More than 80,000 CWA members now work in the public and healthcare field. In 1987, the 30,000 member International Typographical Union, America's oldest labor union, merged with the CWA. In 1994, the former National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians, (NABET), representing over 10,000 TV industry workers merged with the CWA to become the CWA Broadcast and Telephone Workers sector. A merger with the 30,000 member Newspaper Guild was completed in 1997.
Chris Shelton was acclamated as President on June 8, 2015. Larry Cohen retired as of June 8, 2015 after serving as President for ten years. Morton Bahr became CWA third president with his election on July 16, 1985, after serving 16 years as vice president of District 1, covering New York, New Jersey and New England. The late Joseph Beirne was the CWA's founding president. He was succeeded upon his death by Glen Watts, who served from 1974 until his retirement in 1985.
Page Last Updated: Feb 22, 2024 (09:47:53)